ලැප්ටොප් පරිගණකයක ඉක්මනින්ම ක්ෂය වන උපාංගය වන්නේ එහි බැටරියයි. එය නිසි ලෙස නඩත්තු කිරීම මගින් එහි ආයුකාලය දීර්ඝ කරගන්න පුළුවන් වෙනවා. එබැවින් ලැප්ටොප් පරිගණකයක් භාවිතා කරන්නෙකු එහි බැටරිය නඩත්තු කළ යුතු ආකාරය පිළිබද දැන සිටීම වැදගත් වෙනවා. බොහෝ ලැප්ටොප් මෙන්ම දුරකතන වලද දැනට භාවිතා වන්නේ Li-ion බැටරි වර්ගය වේ.මෙයට නිශ්චිත ආයුකාලයක් තිබේ.බැටරි නිෂ්පාදකයින් එය නිශ්චිතව දක්වනු ලබයි.එවිට එය කල්ඉකුත්වූවා සේ සළකයි. එහෙත් වැරදි භාවිතය නිසා බැටරිය කල්ඉකුත්වීමේ දිනට කලින් එය බාල තත්ත්වයට පත්වීම වලක්වා ගැනීමට ක්රාම කිහිපයක් අනුගමනය කරන්න පුළුවන්.

A valuable letter to those who use laptops.

Its battery is the quickest decay device on a laptop computer. Keep it alive properly by prolonging your lifespan

could. Therefore, it is important to know how a user of a laptop can maintain its battery. Most laptop computers are currently in use with a Li-ion battery. They have a certain life expectancy. Battery manufacturers point to it and then consider it to be expiration. But with the use of errors, we can use several methods to prevent the battery from getting subdued before the expiration date.

There is a special circuit in the battery to know the amount of charge the battery is charging. When the battery is not fully charged, it charges with the current amount of charge by that circuit. Therefore, even when the battery is charging, it does not hurt the quality. Therefore, its lifetime will increase. After the circuitry is in operation, the life cycle is calculated by the charge circle. That is, after the battery is fully charged, the time is between it and the battery. Therefore, the laptop should be plugged into the Che Guevara every time it is possible to supply the main power.

After the battery is fully charged then the computer does not receive electricity from the battery. The main power is performed. Then accumulate the number of charge circles in the battery and increase the lifetime of the battery. Charges to increase the lifetime of the battery are not enough to increase the life span. It is also important to protect the battery from heat. When the heat rises, the battery speeds up. Also, the battery is low. Therefore, the laptop computer should not be placed in any way that does not cause sunlight to light up or in some places in the battery. It is also important to keep the windows from exposing the windows to exposure. Lap on the lap, pillow mattress, and so on will interfere with the exit. Therefore, whenever possible, the battery life can not be impeded if it is possible to cool the lamp.

If you do not use the battery for a long time, then the battery life will be reduced, either leaving the new battery or unloading it for a long time. If you're packing a laptop computer for a non-recurring use, you must charge at least 40% and place in a cool place. The above method saves the battery, but there is an expiration date. You can either unplug the battery pack or rebuild it. Rebuilding is a profitable one. But without a basic industrial knowledge, it can not be done. If you have any knowledge, you can do it yourself. A BT battery is designed to add 6 batteries. This may sometimes be different. After removing the external plastic cover on the battery, the battery cells can be seen below.

ඉහත ආකාරයට විවෘත කරගැනීමෙන් අනතුරුව අකර්මණ්යභ වී ඇති කෝෂ හදුනාගැනීම කළ යුතු වේ. මෙහිදී පරික්ෂා කරන කෝෂ වල වෝල්ටීයතාවය 3.6 හෝ ඊට වැඩි අගයක් ගන්නේනම් කෝෂයේ තත්ත්වය හොද ය. ඊට අඩු කෝෂ භාවිතයට නුසුදුසු මාරු කළ යුතු කෝෂ ලෙස සැලකේ.පහත ආකාරයට මල්ටිමීටරයක් භාවිතා කර එවැනි කෝෂ හදුනාගත යුතුය.

Then select acoustic cells like the number of the group. The number of the battery is mentioned in the place where the battery is in plastic. Thereafter, all the cells can be mounted and used as fast as they were before. If you want to buy this replacement battery, you can go here and order with GearBest.Battery Replace the video below.
